I recently re-watched "
Ender's Game." I haven't read the book, but I love how the film unfolds. It is an interesting story and told beautifully. The end surprised me the first time, but I was so caught up in the film that I missed the clues that normally tell me within minutes how a film will end, including major plot twists. If you haven't seen it, I won't deprive you of making your own discovery.

Let me just say that "Ender's Game" vividly depicts the arrogance regularly displayed by those in power who think they know the only solution or are too scared by what they don't understand to consider any other actions. These criminals create an environment of nondisclosure that deprives their students of the knowledge they should have before following certain orders. And in effect, create unwilling criminals from those students. There is a single line uttered by Ender in the final act of the film that resonates so much with me that I feel more than sympathy for the character. I empathize with him.
Every day some new revelation emerges from our government and corporate America that is so similar to how the plot evolves in "Ender's Game" that I'm astonished by how many people still go with the flow. We are losing our privacy under the guise of anti-terrorism and falling prey to the worst kinds of fear. How else can Trump be considered anything more than a arrogant and egotistical man running for office? We want full disclosure from our officials without the fear mongering that is dancing through media headlines, unfortunately we have to do our own research to understand even half of what the media chooses to discuss. I just hope that we engage our brains a little bit more and question why before we are held accountable by the people who will suffer because we didn't do our due diligence.