Saturday, July 23, 2016

Star Trek Beyond

Live Long and Prosper

Tonight I saw Star Trek Beyond, the third movie in the rebooted series. It was wonderful and included a beautiful tribute to Leonard Nimoy, contained in the overall story arc. Some great one-liners and dialogue between Bones and Spock puts this among my favorites in the Star Trek world.

Plenty of excitement and explosions puts the film definitively in the action adventure space. We watched in on... IMAX in 3D and the depth of that viewing experience was breathtaking. I did catch some ghosting during the more intimate scenes however.

The editing was fantastic and really drags the viewer into the excitement. I particularly enjoyed the final space battle and I know you will too. There is a sequence that showcases the power of the cut and the soundtrack to hypnotize the audience - we cheered.

This is a must see for fans of the franchise, I promise you won't be disappointed, and viewers of all ages. This is classic Trek with great fight sequences, witty banter (that doesn't slip into NFK territory), and beautiful scenery. Live long and prosper my friends.

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